Teaching Resources

On this page you will find resources relevant to the topic of teaching early cinema studies. These resources range from research databases, to archival projects, to pedagogical materials, all compiled here as aids to course development and classroom instruction in the field. The scope here is broad and intended to promote conversations and collaborations across early cinema studies, media archaeology, archival practice, and media art, all of which bear in important ways on how students intersect with the study of film and media history.

This teaching resource is a companion to a Domitor-affiliated special issue of Early Popular Visual Culture titled “Object Lessons, Old and New: Experimental Media Archaeology in the Classroom,” which asked how those who teach film studies, media history, art history, and cultural studies might use creative practice—e.g., media art, production, re-enactment—pedagogically to engage students in new ways of thinking about old media. We further provide a bibliography of work that considers such approaches.

We have solicited these resources from Domitor members, and welcome other contributions. If you have a project or assignment that might fit, please email Patrick Ellis or Colin Williamson with details.



Marsha Gordon, “History of Film to 1940

Charlie Keil, “Issues in Silent Cinema

Frank Kessler, “Promise of Cinema

Colin Williamson, “Creative Projects in Film History” 


Meredith Bak, Play Lab Report—Identifying Design Attributes in Toys

Marsha Gordon, Digital Archival Research Assignment using Digital History Media Library

Patrick Ellis, Dead Media Revival: Photography 

Colin Williamson, “Creative Projects in Film History Exercise Prompts” 


Ruth Hayes, An Animator’s Teaching Portfolio and Random Motion

Marsha Gordon, Creative Encounters with Film History: Thomas Edison Then/Now

Andrea Mariani, (Un)Dead Media Project 

Charles Tepperman, “Strategies for Experiential Learning in Nontheatrical Film History

Colin Williamson, ““Pagan Constellations in the Sky”: (Re)Animating Muybridge in the Film History Classroom