Matthew Solomon: Méliès Boots. Footwear and Film Manufacturing in Second Industrial Revolution Paris

Before he became an influential cinematic innovator, Georges Méliès (1861–1938) was a maker of deluxe French footwear, an illusionist, and a caricaturist. Proceeding from these beginnings, Méliès Boots traces how the full trajectory of Georges Méliès’ career during the late-nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries, along with…

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Enfin le cinéma ! Exhibition catalogue

Cover_book enfin le cinema

Like the exhibition it accompanies, the catalogue “Cinema at last!” brings together the French film production of the years 1895-1907 with the history of the arts, from the invention of photography to the first years of the 20th century, through a number of major subjects:…

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Joanne Bernardi, Paolo Cherchi Usai, Tami Williams and Joshua Yumibe (ed), Provenance and Early Cinema (IUP 2021)

Cover for Provenance and Early Cinema

The 2018 Rochester Conference Committee and the Domitor EC are very happy to announce that the 2018 conference proceedings, Provenance and Early Cinema, published by Indiana University Press is now available! We would like to send a heartfelt thanks to the…

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Ian Christie, Robert Paul and the Origins of British Cinema (University of Chicago Press, 2019) and Time Traveller: Robert Paul and the Invention of Cinema (with ILYA, graphic novel)

The early years of film were dominated by competition between inventors in America and France, especially Thomas Edison and the Lumière brothers . But while these have generally been considered the foremost pioneers of film, they were not the only crucial figures in its inception.…

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Doron Galili, Seeing by Electricity: The Emergence of Television, 1878-1939 (Duke University Press, 2020)

Already in the late nineteenth century, electricians, physicists, and telegraph technicians dreamed of inventing televisual communication apparatuses that would “see” by electricity as a means of extending human perception. In Seeing by Electricity Doron Galili traces the early history of television, from fantastical image transmission…

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Giovanna Fossati, Victoria Jackson, Bregt Lameris, Elif Rongen-Kaynakci, Sarah Street & Joshua Yumibe, The Colour Fantastic: Chromatic Worlds of Silent Cinema (Amsterdam University Press, 2018)

Sparked by a groundbreaking Amsterdam workshop titled “Disorderly Order: Colours in Silent Film,” scholarly and archival interest in colour as a crucial aspect of film form, technology and aesthetics has enjoyed a resurgence in the past twenty years. In the spirit of the workshop,…

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